"Gun owners -- all gun owners -- pay a heavy price for having to defend the availability of these weapons. "The American public -- and the gun-owning public; especially the gun-owning public -- would be better off without the hardcore military arms, which puts the average sportsman in a real dilemma".An Uzi or an AKM or an AK-47 should be no more generally available than a Claymore mine or a block of C4 explosive."
~David E. Petzal - 1994 / Current writer for Field and Stream
Zumbo's writer bud's come out to help? LINK TO THE ARTICLE
(Predictably, the taps open and the elitist cadre of yellow running dog revisionist lackeys of the Imperialist Zumboists rush to the pachyderm's defense.)
February 22, 2007-
February 22, 2007-
ZUMBOMANIA: David E. Petzal’s take on the Jim Zumbo fiasco
In case you just emerged from a coma and have not heard, the shooting world is agog over a blog posted by Jim Zumbo, former contributing editor at Outdoor Life, over the weekend of February 17. In it, Jim stated that any semiauto rifle with an AR or AK prefix was a terrorist rifle, had no place in hunting, and should be outlawed for that purpose. Then, courtesy of the Internet and all its blogs and chatrooms, the roof fell in.
The speed with which Zumbomania spread, the number of comments it drew, and the rabid nature of same were a revelation. Overnight, this thing became as big as Janet Jackson’s clothing failure or—dare I say it?—Britney Spears’ shaved head. Jim Zumbo is now as employable as the Unabomber, and Sarah Brady will no doubt adopt his comments to her own gun-control purposes.
(She already did, you dumbass !)
For the last several days I’ve been visiting all manner of blogs and chatrooms, which has reminded me of when I used to deliver used clothing to the local mental hospital. I’ve tried to make some sense of it all, but because the waters are still full of blood and body parts continue to rain from the sky, I haven’t come up with any Great Truths. Lacking that, here are some Lesser Truths. ("Lesser" is right. Stick to the great ones, Petzal. Ed.)
What Jim said was ill-considered. He’s entitled to his beliefs, but when a writer of his stature comes out against black guns, it sure as hell does not help our cause.
Even so, Jim made an immediate apology. He did not equivocate, or qualify, or make excuses. He acted like a gentleman and said he was wrong, and he was sorry. Apparently this is not enough anymore. We now live in the era of one strike and you're out.
(His "apology" was a textbook example of how to equivocate, qualify and make excuses. Did Petzal actually read it? Ed.)
For 40 years, Jim has been a spokesman and ambassador of good will for hunting. Through his tireless efforts as a teacher and lecturer on hunting and hunting skills, he has done more for the sport than any 250 of the yahoos who called for his blood.
(OK, Jimbo did lots for the sport. How does that compare with conspiring to undermine my Civil Right? Looks to me as if Petzal and Zumbo are cast from the same mold. Our need and right to bear arms clearly runs a very distant second to their Montana elk hunts and their pre-64 Win. in .270. Idiots. Ed.)
Jim has paid dearly for what he said. He has lost his blog and his association with Remington. Cabela’s has suspended its sponsorship of his TV show; and Outdoor Life has accepted his offer to sever ties. To all the chatroom heroes who made him unemployable, I have a word of warning: You’ve been swinging a two-edged sword. A United States in which someone can be ruined for voicing an unpopular opinion is a dangerous place. Today it was Jim’s turn. Tomorrow it may be yours.
(So people who call treason for what it is are the bad guys now? If I ever gain a position in the media similar to Zumbo's and advocate banning firearms that are different looking that Jack O'Connor-approved hunting arms, I hope that before I lose my job and sponsors somebody sneaks up behind me and nails me with a 2 x 4. Ed.)
If Sarah Brady is smart—and she is very smart—she will comb through the same blogs and chatrooms I’ve been reading, excerpt some of the most vicious and foul-mouthed entries, print them up, and distribute them to Congress. Then it will be interesting to see how the men and women who wrote that stuff enjoy seeing their efforts being put to use by every anti-gunner in America.
(No need. She has the world's most famous firearm expert explaining how some guns are bad. Why dilute the message? That's how smart she is. Ed.)
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